Administrative positions

1993 Secretary General of the XVI International Annual Ain Shams University Medical Conference
1993 - 2003 Founder & Director of "Medical Research Center and Bilharzias Research", Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University
2003 - PresentScientific Director, "Medical Research Center and Bilharzias Research", Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University
2007 - PresentSecretary General of Egyptian Medical Molecular Biology Association.

Editorial and Reviewer Appointments:

·         Member of the Advisory Board and Committee Referees in The Egyptian academic Journal of biological science (2005 - now) (ISSN  2090-0783)

·         Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Egyptian society of Parasitology (ISSN

·         Reviewer in The African Journal of Biotechnology (2010 - now) (

·         Reviewer in Journal Molecular Reports-Springer-ISSN :0301 -4851 (