
1971 - 1972 House Officer, Ain Shams University Hospitals
1972 - 1978 Resident in El-Maadi Military Hospital
1978 - 1980Assistant Lecturer in Microbiology, Microbiology Department Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University
1980 - 1985Lecturer in Microbiology, Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University
1985 - 1990Assistant Professor, Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University
1990 - 2000 Visiting Professor, Military Medical Academy, Ministry of Defense, Cairo, Egypt
1990 - Present Professor, Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University
2002 - 2004Visiting Professor, 6th October University, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt
2004 2008 Director of Egyptian Universities Promotion Scientific Committee for examine the scientific production of the applicants for positions Alosatzpo assistant professors (medical Parasitology)at Egyptian Universities (EUPC-2004-2008)
2008 - PresentEmeritus Professor Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University
2008 - PresentMember of Egyptian Universities Promotion Scientific Committee for examining the scientific research of the applicants for positions Alosatzpo professors and assistant professors (medical Parasitology)at Egyptian Universities (EUPC-2008-2011)
2009 - Present Member of Faculty board, Faculty of Biotechnology, Misr University for Science &Technology. Professor of Medical molecular Biology

Scientific activities

1975 - 1980 Senior Researcher , "Shistosomiasis & Toxocariasis Immunology project", in Immunology Units, Microbiology department, Faculty of Medicine. The Research Contract Sponsored By C.D.C., Atlanta,Georgia, USA
1976 - 1990 Laboratory Consultant &Board member of Kholafaa El-Rashedeen Charity Hospital, Cairo, Egypt.
1981 - 1989Senior Investigator, in Research project Contract No.: NOI 22667/NIH-NIAID,"Epidemiology & Control of Arthropod Borne Diseases in Egypt", at Research & Training Center for Arthropod Borne Diseases, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Sponsored By NIH-NIAID , USA
1983Attended a training course in: "Using of ELISA Techniques in Medical Applications" Arranged by Hoechst Company-Germany
1984 - 1985Fellow Researcher in Tropical Medicine Department, Colombia University New York, USA, in "Phenotype and RIA in Tropical Diseases" In Conjoined research between Egypt and United States
1986 - Present Medical Consultant in Egyptian People Assembly Cabinet
1987 - 1994Medical & Laboratory Consultant in Egypt Air Hospital
1990 - 1997 Supervisor of Drug Monitoring & Laboratory Unit, Institute of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University
1996 - Present Organizer for Several Workshops in medical molecular biology
1996 - PresentAs a speaker in several national and international training workshops in the felid of medical molecular biology
2002 As an attendant in a training course: "Microarray Gene Expression" Arranged by Pharmacia, San Diego, USA
2002 As an attendant in training course`: "Molecular Biology & Human Cell Line Manipulations in Psychiatric Disorders" Arranged by CNRS, Paris, France.
2003 As an Attendant a training course in: "Professional Presentation Skills" Arranged by Janssen-Cliag, Belgium
2003 As a speaker in training course on: "Mychobacterium tuberculosis Manipulations & DNA Fingerprinting" Arranged by TB Center, New York University, New York, USA
2005 Attended a workshop in: "Manipulations of Nucleic Acids & Gene Cloning" Arranged by Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK
2005 - Present Research Fellow , Department of Somatic stem cell genetics at Heinrich - Petre - Institute of Immunology, University of Hamburg, Germany
2006 - Present Research Fellow , Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, University of Zurich
2005 - 2010 Board member at Ain Shams center for genetic engineering and biotechnology, Ain Shams Universities.
2007 - Present Board member and Secretary general of the Clinical Scientific Society, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University
2008 Head of local Organizing Committee ,No.31 International Annual meeting, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams Universities
2009 - 2010 Director of a Training Course on Psychiatric genetic at Institute of Psychiatry, Ain Shams University And Saudi German Hospital, Jeddah, KSA.